

"Such a ... Unique Ceremony"

After the pictures were finished, we arrived at Tellus to find guests already there. "WELP, NOW YOU'VE SEEN US," I said. "THE SURPRISE IS RUINED. GOOD BYE."

We rushed past them downstairs to the recording studio where everyone was gathered, and my dad took pictures:

...after which I proceeded to prowl around the room on the verge of overwhelmed and emotional tears and looking for a place to hide and breathe for a minute. Eventually I settled behind a column by some microphone stands. I listened to everyone - talking, laughing, playing the drum set that was set up in the studio. I thought about everyone upstairs, here to watch us get married. Then I thought about my makeup. And I held it together.

Finally it was time to line up, and away we went. 

I'm straight-up crying in this picture.

And again right here.

But (and I don't mean to sound cheesy)
 this is right about where I made eye contact with Bill.

A lot of these pictures look like we're crying, but we're laughing.


This part is probably weird for anyone who wasn't there. We ate a unity sandwich during the ceremony. That's why the bridesladies brought up lettuce and ham and stuff instead of bouquets.

Best reactions.

When planning this, we didn't take into account chewing time.

Hello, wildly photogenic child.

Bill reading his vows

Me reading mine. I cried. But just once.

The rings were passed down each line

And off we ran. To cocktails and cheese.

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