


"Marjorie Binford Woods's 1942 manual Your Wedding: How to Plan and Enjoy It is very blunt about the [bridesmaids'] role. Though she felt eight girls was enough (more looked like the Rockettes), they had better be decorative."                                                                                                                       -Carol McD. Wallace, All Dressed in White


To be fair, half of them are my sisters. But still, I had to stop myself from asking more. Introverts don't have a lot of friends, but the ones they have are real special. As in, maybe we frame pictures of our friends and keep them on our desk in college, and maybe some rude people make fun of us for being so sappy and sentimental.

Whatever, guys. What, you don't have feelings?!

Needless to say, these ladies are all awesome and impressive and lovely and wonderful and supportive; and consequently, I spent hours and hours searching for gifts I hoped they would like. I did my best to Leslie Knope it. And even though I'm not talented enough to embroider pillows with their faces, I found a small, one-size-fits-all gift to bind them together as bridesladies and one silly little gift that reflects their interests or our friendship OR BOTH. However, it may have backfired a little bit, as I am now left with a bag of plastic lizards and emotional exhaustion. You wouldn't think picking out gifts for ten people would be so taxing, but it's like if everyone you knew had their birthday on the same day.

...Or like Christmas, I guess.

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