

One Month!


Welp, here we are, September 10th, one month out. And I am thankfully, inexplicably, almost alarmingly calm about everything. It's stressing me out that I'm not more stressed. Because stress leads to motivation and action and ticking off all the little boxes that remain unchecked on our to-do list, whereas this wishy-washy, laissez-faire attitude is relaxing, but nothing gets done. (Stress also makes your hair fall out, but I can worry about that after everything's finished. I'll add "Get a wig" to the list. We'll get  around to it eventually.)

Other items on that list include a lot of things to finish. Finish all our little projects, finish the dress, finish fine-tuning the ceremony. Finish the playlist, finish figuring out logistics with the catering and venue, finish writing the very wordy programs. There's also a lot to buy, like tablecloths and hair spray and presents. Actually, if anyone would like hair spray as a present, let me know, because that would really cut down on my errands.

Then there's all the communication: emailing the photographer to update her on our plans. Giving the twenty or so people who haven't RSVP'd yet a breezy little phone call to see if they plan to make it. Calling the rehearsal dinner place to finalize the menu. I sent them an email a while ago to see if we could schedule a meeting and received a frantic reply that said, "We tried to contact you via Facebook but got no response. Would you consider having your event be unprivate?"



I wonder who that other Carrie Muller is who received that Facebook message. Probably the Canadian author who wrote one children's book about a smelly pirate and who is the reason I'll need a pen name if I ever publish anything.

Anyway. I get tired thinking about it all, but it's reassuring that even if we only get a fraction of it done, one month from this very second we will be married.

"Hooray!" they all said.

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