

Viva l'Italia!

Bill is in Italy this week for a big numismatic congress that only happens twice a decade. That's vince a century! I made that word up, but you get it.

He's just in time for the spaghetti harvest!

He's staying in Taormina, Sicily, where D.H. Lawrence and Truman Capote and Oscar Wilde spent time writing. He's more interested in seeing the ancient towns and hanging out with all his numismatist buds, but he did sent me a picture of Fontana Vecchia.

He's been looking forward to this trip for years; coincidentally, it happens to be two weeks before our wedding, so he's missing out on all my little last-minute panic attacks. "Oh - I wanted to make little personalized flags for people to wave during the recessional!" I cry to no one, slinking off the couch to the ground and lolling about in despair. "But there's no tiiiime!" 

I scoffed a little when people told me I'd be glad to have him out of my hair this week, but I'm actually finding it to be true in weird ways. Of course I miss Bill, but it is very helpful to leave the ironing board and the printer, the sewing machine and glue gun out and ready all the time. Usually I at least try to keep things tidy, and shove all the sequins and fabric and wrapping paper under the couch. This way, though, there's no barrier to working on projects; all the materials are within arm's reach at any given moment. I'm getting a lot more done, since it's either work on projects or step on them.

This really means that the rest of the time, I'm so lazy that walking ten steps to grab supplies makes me rethink my priorities.

Anyway. This week, things are skipping along! I've made a flower wand for my tiny niece to wave down the aisle and almost finished the dress (!!) and worked on a few other sekrit projects.

You'll seee!

Meanwhile, I'm trying to get Bill to bring me back some authentic Italian spaghetti, but apparently it would "get cold on the plane ride back" or something. Maybe some dried spaghetti, then, fresh-picked from the Italian spaghetti trees.

Image via

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