

Learn From My Mistakes: Save the Date Edition

The save the dates are in the mail. Not all of them, but most of them. It's a relief, but I'll be honest with you - I have a few regrets.

  1. For one, we didn't really need them. We could've sent out a mass email or a link to our website. Then all that time and money we spent on save the dates could have been put toward a much better purpose, like learning Mandarin, which neither of us knows. Now we'll never learn it. I'd like to blame the Wedding Industrial Complex for convincing us we need All the Things to express our special snowflake selves, but I can't. The WIC is just doing what it was created to do. We're the suckers who bought into it. We have brought this upon ourselves.
  2. Since we did decide to make them, I wish we'd had all the information printed on them. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don't mess around with with handwriting or stamps or sticker labels or calligraphers or anything else. It's not worth it. Don't be a hero.
  3. If I had it to do over, I'd put our last names on them. In hindsight, it's pretty narcissistic to assume that we're the only Bill and Carrie in people's lives. I know at least four other men named Bill and one lady Billie. Welp, I guess anyone who's unsure will just have to visit the website to figure out who we are. Maybe that was the plan...all along.
  4. Finally, I would spend less time worrying about something so minor. Ever since I dropped them off at the post office with the dull thunk! of 100 postcards hitting the bottom of an empty mailbox, I've been fretting over them like a mother hen. What if they get lost? What if they get all crinkled or torn en route? What if one of those big legal-sized envelopes makes fun of them? And has our friend Ethan figured out what save the dates are yet or will he still be confused by it? It's just too much for me.
One thing I don't regret, though, is using some cute little hummingbird stamps. They made the time and expense worth it.

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