


Internet, meet Lady:

She's European.
She lives in the corner of the living room and scares me every time I walk in. Mostly because she's usually dressed like she's waiting for the Great Pumpkin:

But she has been very handy in helping me make my wedding dress, especially considering I show my appreciation by sticking pins in her.

"What an ingrate," she whispers after I cover her up for the night. But one can't be too careful with grooms running all about and peeking at things they aren't supposed to see!

[You know why the groom isn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding? It's not really bad luck - as long as she's pretty. It goes back to arranged marriages. If the groom saw the bride beforehand, they ran the risk of him not liking what he saw. What a fun time to be a wedding guest! You get to watch the groom's reaction when he lifts the veil up and sees her for the first time...the horror and disappointment...we should bring that back.]

Here's what I have learned so far while making a wedding dress -

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What I've Learned from Lady (Part I)

  1. Making a prom dress and two questionable skirts does not qualify me to sew a wedding dress. But has that stopped me? No! Lesson learned: Blind confidence! 
  2. Eventually, I had to stop changing my mind about fabrics and styles and just sew the freaking thing. Lesson learned: Decisiveness!
  3. This is a very special dress, but it's just one of the many fabulous dresses I will wear in my life. Even if this isn't the best one, I can still say, "Hey, remember that time I got married and wore that crazy dress I made myself?" What a fun thing to remember! Lesson learned: Perspective!
  4. Measure twice, cut once. Lesson learned: Platitudes!
  5. A stylish hat gives any outfit a special dash of pizzazz! Plus it helps detract from your lack of a head. Also - you don't need two arms to pull off a great look! Lesson learned: Fashion sense!

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