

Suuuuper rad rings

We're on our second round of wedding rings, because Changing Our Minds is the official motto of this wedding.

The first set were a pair of yellow gold bands. Mine looked nice with my engagement ring, which is an antique yellow gold band with a row of three sapphires and two diamonds and filigrees along the edges. Somewhat difficult to match. Bill's was a plain gold band (what I call Dad Rings) but it turned out to be a little too thin and dainty-looking on his hand. We had decided just to make do with those for the time being and maybe upgrade in a couple years or so, but Bill's mom brought it up the other day and we started discussing alternatives: a ring tattoo, a twist tie, a wooden ring.

"Yeah, a wooden ring might be good," Bill said. "It'd be more comfortable."

"Really? You'd wear one?! They make some suuuper rad ones!" I shouted, like the Californian nerd I am.

"Yeah! Rad!" he said.

AND SO. We found some wooden rings. And they are, in fact, super rad. This is Bill's:

Via ZebranoWoodCraft on Etsy


This is one that I considered, with abalone and guitar string inlays:

Via ZebranoWoodCraft on Etsy

But ultimately, I had to go with the band made of koa wood with inlaid beach sand. Of course.

Also via Etsy

This will not match my engagement ring, obviously, so I'm just going to wear the engagement ring on my right hand sometimes, and other times I'll switch off wearing them on my left hand, depending on the weather and my mood. Ain't no thang.

Now that we have rings we love, we just have to get our license next week and we could get married, without planning a single other thing.

Six weeks left.

Lezz do this thang.*

*I'm so sorry I said that.

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